Who Am I???
Who Am I...a woman and proud to be ...
Wife ...
Mother ...
Friend ...
Welcome Friends this page is about my poetry, some was borrowed from a friend and some was written by me!!! So if you enjoy poetry please enter in and have fun reading it, but please i ask you don't take it live it as it is on the page. If you wish to borrow one just email me and ask ok. So have fun and don't forget to tell me what you think, just sign my guestbook, and let me know what you think ok. Thank you all so much for visiting I hope you will have a great time and come back again. Um.... The font that I am using is CAC CHAMPAGNE which you can get it HERE
A Kiss
Would you kiss me tonight
so soft
so gentle
arouse deep feelings
please, make it so sensual
can you feel a kiss without your heart
so warm your lips, I felt them part
no words can be spoken, the meaning is true
that kiss will last forever
it's only for me and you
a kiss from the heart